Advancing the Paradigm
Articles, Publications, Media Mentions & Coalition contentChoreographing Peoplehood 2022 Peak Moments (January 2023)
Whether in our most intimate Jewish spaces, or under the spotlight of our largest Jewish stages, ensuring that
Jews across vast geographies and practices feel a deep connection to one another and a sense of mutual
responsibility requires careful choreography. I’ve been privileged to spend this past year traveling from coast to
coast, on behalf of a new campaign promoting the idea and practice of Jewish peoplehood.
Download: Choreographing Peoplehood 2022 Peak Moments
Peoplehood in Practice – Nila Rosen, Lisa Armony, Ruben Shimonov, Scott Lasensky in eJewishPhilanthropy (June 2022)
Turning to Peoplehood: how one big city Jewish Federation reoriented its global engagement around “Jewish peoplehood” – Interview with Rich Walter (March 2022)
Interview with Rich Walter (March 2022)
A Peoplehood Revolution in Israeli Public Education – Interview with Noga Cohavi (January 2022)
Interview with Noga Cohavi (January 2022)
The Power of Peoplehood – Amnon Rodan and Jeff Solomon in eJewishPhilanthropy (November 2021)